Charity Support

Five-month targets smashed in six weeks
Let’s not beat around the bush. Charity fundraising is hard – really hard. If it’s not the challenge of marketing your campaign, it’s getting people to dig into their pockets.
That’s why you need all the support you can get.
And that’s where Katie Lingo comes in.
Just ask the team at Deafblind UK.
Back in 2018, when Katie was writing for Deafblind UK’s charity magazine, she was offered the chance to run the London Marathon for them. The catch? The mean feat of raising £1,500 in five months.
Undeterred, Katie turned the fundraising mission into something of a comic relief campaign. In exchange for donations, she would humiliate herself in public and film the evidence.
The result? Coverage on local television, BBC Radio and in local press. Viral views on social media and a smashed fundraising target within six weeks.
Charity fundraising should be fun, no matter how serious the cause. Ask us for help formulating creative ideas.

Join the list
Whether it’s sponsoring an event or coming up with fundraising ideas, we’d be happy to support your charity. And if it’s some kind of endurance or extreme sport…even better.
Currently, Katie Lingo supports causes including:
Animals Asia
Animals Asia is on a mission to end bear bile farms, as well as provide sanctuaries for vulnerable animals.
Cats’ Protection
Cats’ Protection is the UK’s largest feline welfare charity, providing 230 volunteer-run branches and more than 30 centres.
The Donkey Sanctuary
The Donkey Sanctuary strives to protect donkeys around the world from unethical trades and unfair treatment.
Friends of the Earth
Friends of the Earth campaigns for people and planet, promoting sustainable societies worldwide.
Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA)
The RSPCA is the UK’s oldest animal welfare charity, providing shelters, administering veterinary care and campaigning for fair treatment of animals.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF)
The WWF works across the globe to support people, animals and the environment by preserving the natural world.