Katie Lingo is now on YouTube!

A picture tells a thousand words, so we’ve decided to create a YouTube channel. You can access the channel here if you want to hear more from us in video format.

What can I find on the Katie Lingo YouTube channel?

Don’t worry. We’ve not turned into vloggers overnight. We’ll leave the toy unboxing to the kids. The Katie Lingo YouTube channel is primarily for showing off all the talks we’ve done onstage, or at least, the ones that we were lucky enough to have filmed.

At the time of writing, the channel features such talks as:

Is Your Content Really Worth It?

This was our presentation at the Digital City Festival 2021, looking at how to measure the value of consistent content marketing.

Repurposing for Reach, Recognition and Revenue

Another one from the Digital City Festival, this time in 2022. This was all about how you can make your content go further with repurposing – sort of like we’ve done here.

*Unfortunately, this actually happened.

Content Writers: Will AI Take Your Job?

You won’t believe this, but this was actually before ChatGPT came out. It’s our talk at BrightonSEO in October 2022 but the messages are just as relevant.

…and many more!

Hop over to the channel for talks on:

  • Freelancing
  • Content writing tips
  • Increasing revenue with client tiers
  • Measuring impact with data analysis.

Plus…a little nod to our clients

We’ve also added some collaborative work we’ve done with clients, such as a promotional campaign for The Group Company. You should see more podcasts coming up in the future so watch this space.

Oh, did I mention we’re available for public speaking? If you like what you see, get in touch.

Visit the Katie Lingo YouTube channel >

content strategy sheffield
Katie Lingo
by Katie Lingo
11th April 2023