Data Visualisation

Effective data visualisation

First things first: what is data visualisation? It’s the process of taking information and transforming it into a visual, such as a graphic or chart. Let’s say you’ve got 50,000 cells of Excel data. At a glance, this looks pretty horrifying.

When turned into a graphic, we can group key information together to identify trends, anomalies and general observations.

So, for example, you might use data visualisation to:

  • Study trends for where your leads come in over time (line charts)
  • Analyse which content marketing channels bring in the most views (bar charts)
  • Create scorecards to audit performance (spider or radar charts)
  • Categorise clients or customers (quadrants).

This makes life a whole lot easier for when you need bottom-line information to make big decisions.

Save time

Stop sifting through spreadsheets.

Clear visuals

The best charts for your data.

100% confidentiality

NDAs signed at your request.

data vis pic

So I’ve got the data…now what?

You might need to decide where to allocate your marketing budget, how to spend your time, or how to plan for the future.

Effective data visualisation does this for you – presenting the figures in black and white (or green, red, yellow…you get the idea) for quick decisions. It’s also far more considered than looking at numbers alone, and the numbers might surprise you. Check our video on lead generation below to see what we mean.

Adding words to pictures

But the pictures only tell part of the story. The best data visualisation services help you to draw conclusions. This is where we pool our talents – Craig crunches the numbers and Katie writes up the insights to help you make decisions.

Let’s take a look at this radar chart, looking at SEO for one of the UK’s top law firms. If another law firm wanted to compete, we might plot their key metrics on this graph – such as mobile speed or total keywords. We’d then identify the areas in which they were lacking and write out recommendations.

Insight: X firm has scored 3/10 for referring domains.

Action: X firm needs to invest in link building.

Turning your data into mega reports

You can then use these data and insights as a major reporting tool. Perhaps you’re trying to convince decision-makers to invest in something. Maybe you need to show stakeholders where you can save time.

In the past, we’ve created huge reports outlining these key metrics in digestible chunks. We’ll even partner with snazzy designers to give you the polished product. Tell us what you need and we’ll get started. Simples.

Data visualisation in action


Data vis on video

See how we created weighting systems to determine where our leads were REALLY coming from...

Let’s crunch those numbers.